Forums / The hangaround / Why Twilight beats Starwars

Why Twilight beats Starwars
21:44:29 May 13th 11 - Mr. Sladey:

First of all its just a better story line!
It has everything a guy wants! Action, a bit of Vampire on werewolf rivarly and some fine as blondes!

Starwars has chubacca!

Twilight will be bigger then Starwars ever was, i mean, Who doesnt have a fetish for a vit of Vampire!!

Come on people its an easy choice, its almost as easy as say why pokemon is better then starcraft(1&2)

Because it just its!

12:41:55 May 18th 11 - Mr. Unhungrier Horse:

You had to bring Starcraft into this.

13:23:11 May 18th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Backbone:

Lol sladey, you can´t even compare those series as they are so vastly different XD

13:58:59 May 18th 11 - Ms. Britney Spears:

Ignore Slade, he's trolling. Was related to a skype conversation several of us had. We all know for a fact Star wars > Twilight. Also, we all know pokemon > starcraft.

They just don't go together. Star wars is a much more popular franchise and worth alot more.
Same goes for pokemon.

14:06:09 May 18th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

14:18:24 May 18th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Backbone:

Ok lol :P and yah I agree. Tho SC is a really good game series, but Pokemon is in its own class in some ways ;)

14:56:24 May 18th 11 - Ms. Maam:

as a game: starcraft > pokemon

as a franchise: pokemon > starcraft

15:12:32 May 18th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Backbone:


23:45:32 May 18th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

WHUT? You obviously nevar played pokémon games  ...

01:54:02 May 19th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

you obviously never played starcraft

08:28:33 May 19th 11 - Mr. Toa:

pokegaymon crappy kids stuff... lol

10:05:03 May 19th 11 - Mr. Phinn:

Sladey is team Jacob.

12:43:31 May 19th 11 - Mr. Sladen:

you are all crazy, Twilight > Starwars, Lucas couldnt write a good movie if his life depended on it!!

and Pokemon Rapes SC1&2 every which way!

14:17:47 May 19th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

twilight might just be better than starwars for two reasons:

1) starwars had gay man-robot romance overtones
2) twilight has a glitter-wearing vampire stopping an outta control truck with 'his' bare hand

00:06:02 May 20th 11 - Mr. Arigashi Anpu:

Yes, and the glitter is why starwars was better. For your information, in ALL vampire stories, the vampire was not only nocturnal, but BURNED AND DIED IN THE SUN! not that gay glittering shit. Plus, starwars had kick ass heros that beat the shit out of people. In Twilight the "hero," aka Edward Cullen, was A CHICKEN SHIT! oh and:


00:53:00 May 28th 11 - Mr. Meekah:

true blood anyone?

20:34:26 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

How are the star wars games better than the movies?

My answer: because Star Wars is about wars in space between prehistoric civilizations.

22:24:08 Jul 28th 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

you got to be kidding me, Starcraft is the best game ever 1&2, I played pokemon but its not as SC (;

23:26:18 Jul 28th 11 - Ms. Flame:

like most people said you cant compare them

its like comparing the taste of a apple and a piano.

my personal opinion about how good they are is pokemon is for children of 12 years old but because most children played pokemon or watched it, it went on to the teenagers even young adults while Starcraft was intended for teenagers young adults in the first place, ask yourself this question ask 11-12 year old boy what he likes more starcraft 2 or pokemon. 60% will say idk starcraft 2 30% will say pokemon and 10% will say starcraft because they are already young teenagers.

about twilight vs starwars, one is a drama and the other action if you compare the two i still say starwars is better if your in the mood for action and twilight is better when you want some drama and your depressed i guess.

twilight was intended for adults but after a short while the author thought he had more chance with teenagers/young adults while starwars went for 12 year olds to 15-18 year olds.

If you ever seen harry potter the philosopher(?) stone  and harry potter the
latest one the hollow part 2, thats what i call it was intended for 12-15 year olds and ended 16-21 year olds you could say it was made for one generation while they grow up thats why it was so amazing for fans because they always stuck to the series this way till the end.

02:54:34 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

So, how would you make the prequels better?

I decided to take the basic framework of the story and make everything simpler. Anakin should be the protagonist and should go through every experience Luke went through but makes the wrong decisions.
Also, make Padme live at least two or three years before eventually dying at the end. That way, Leia gets a glimpse of memory.

03:13:03 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

My story about the galaxy:

Episode 1: The Old Republic (Source: Knights of the Old Republic and the Sequels)

Coruscant was the original homeworld of the humans. United by the Jedi Order, the humans founded the Old Republic and grew rapidly in both population and technology until the sky truly became the limit. When that was the case, an entire alliance of the small businesses that kept this utopia happy worked hard to invent the hyperdrive, so the humans can colonize on different planets. Aware of the warfare of the primitive planets, the Jedi invented the lightsaber and the Jedi starfighter to protect themselves from the dangers of the primitive worlds, which were much like Dungeons and Dragons. Little that they know, is that there is another world exactly like Coruscant called Taris with a species exactly like the humans called the Sith united by a dystopian empire that has also invented the hyperdrive for the same exact reason. With only the Force, the lightsabers, and the starfighters of the Jedi on both sides, the star wars began.

A few years later, Jedi decided to establish a new training facility on Dantoowine while their rivals followed suit on Koriban. When successful, the Jedi received a prophecy of the Chosen one which gave them hope of whom will save the Republic.

Story continues with the Knights of the Old Republic 1 followed by the Old Republic. Afterwards, the Republic received a thousand years of peace.

Episode 2: Clone Wars (Source: Underline Story of the Prequels)

Anakin was annoyed by being a slave and loves the podrace for the same exact reason a theme park enthusiast would go on a rollercoaster. He then finishes his final race in his life when Obi Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala arrived and were watching. They came over on a regular basis to negotiate with Tatooine to become part of the Republic before the Separatists beat them to it. Without any clue of the Chosen One prophecy, Anakin accidently uses the force for the first time to help repair the ship. Obi Wan found Anakin beating up the Young Greedo from a New Hope and was slightly concerned about his path to the dark side. Anakin's unusual power lead Obi Wan to believe that he was the Chosen One. When freed, he noticed that the Confederacy followed Obi Wan to Tatoowine and wanted to know about Padme. They killed Anakin's mother before Anakin arrived to see her dead. He became involved in the Republic to establish peace and order for Padme and Obi Wan and to conquer all of the planets ever since. This motivation will eventually lead him to the dark side of the Force.

Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan returned to Naboo and found out that the Confederacy has blockaded the planet. The opening scene in the Phantom Menace occurs except it is Anakin and Padme instead of Qui Gon Jinn and that they escaped on a Confederate transport and flew to warn the Queen. The finale of the Phantom Menace occurs except Anakin became a natural leader and lead the Naboo squadron much like that of Luke on the Battle of Yavin. After the victory of the Naboo, Darth Maul did not die but instead fled back to the Sith Headquarters.

Anakin and Obi Wan were on the planet Illum for Anakin to build his light saber and become an official Jedi Knight. Meanwhile, the Confederacy were attacking the planet and the clones decided to evacuate. While Obi Wan and Padme went to Geonosis to find a diplomatic solution, Anakin on the other hand decided to return to Coruscant to complete his training with Yoda. After training, he sees a similar vision that Luke sees and goes to Geonosis and the droid factory scene happened without Padme. All of the scenes that followed happened in similar ways except Darth Maul takes Dooku's place entirely. Anakin hates Darth Maul big time for killing Anakin's mother and torturing Padme and Obi Wan. This means that Anakin and Maul fight with dual wield lightsabers and a double-bladed lightsaber. While in a dangerous situation, Anakin refuses to believe the terrible truth about his other friend, Palpatine and returned to Tatooine.

Anakin frees the slaves on Mos Espa and helps out Obi Wan and Padme on Kashyyk and the fight stretches out back to Coruscant where the opening scenes of the Revenge of the Sith occured. Anakin fights Maul alone for the last time right in front of the Chancellor. He hated the seperatists and the slave owners and loved the Republic and the Chancellor. When Anakin killed Darth Maul, the Clone Wars ended and Palpatine was willing to seduce Anakin. Padme, married to Anakin and pregnant with twins, founded the Rebel Alliance and was nasty to Anakin ever since. As Anakin searched his feelings and his dark past, he became authoritarian and wanted to destroy his own emotions. Between such and the fight of Mustafar followed by the Darth Vader suit, Anakin became more machine than man.

Three years later, Anakin's dark side gave him amnesia and killed Padme Amidala. He then killed all of the Jedi, including the children.

Bottom line is, Anakin and Luke went through all of the similar experiences but Luke made the right choices and Anakin made the wrong choices.

Episode 3: Rise of the Empire (Source: Force Unleashed)

Episode 4: A New Hope (All of the Special Edition except Han shoots first.)

The Chosen One was the Old Hope while Luke Skywalker was a New Hope.

Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back (All of the Original Edition)

In this episode, Anakin's amnesia and dark side gradually gets cured, all the way up to that very famous line in Empire Strikes Back. Afterwards, Anakin and Luke spoke telepathically trying to clear up whether or not they are father and son.

Episode 6: Return of the Jedi (Original Edition up to the Briefing Scene)

We resurrect Lucas's original idea about the final battle and have it take place on Kashyyk with Wookies instead of Ewoks. Either that, or we can keep the Ewoks and give them a shaman that uses magic in one way or another. Personally, I like the first idea better. As Luke redeemed his father, he unwillingly fulfills the prophecy of the Chosen One and the New Republic and the New Jedi Order was established and the Star Wars has ended.

The galaxy was cursed when time travel corrupted the space-time continuum. When that happened, humanity jettisoned their infants in several different directions across the stars. It is too long ago for any time traveler to go back in time to. The galaxy is just as hard to find as it is to get out of.

03:13:48 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Any other suggestions? I need feedback.

11:20:26 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Very subtle troll thread, 10/10. You are truly a master of your craft good sir.

Gabriel, wonderful post and definitely worth the read. My only suggestion is that you post a couple more fan-fictions for other movies.

Can you do a movie of my choosing next?

21:42:14 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

I got one for you:
Reasons why Indiana Jones must be included in Star Wars vs Star Trek
1. Star Wars opening line: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... (read my last post and you can see my logic)
Star Trek opening line: Space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its mission to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations and to boldly go where no man has gone before. (Star Trek is the journal of a single spaceship on its adventures)
Combine both opening lines and you end up with explorers in an ancient civilization with mythological traps and challenges, in short, Indiana Jones in space.
2. We all heard of the people that made Indiana Jones including George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, John Williams, and Lucasfilm, but remember that it is Paramount, the studio that made Star Trek, that made Indiana Jones.
3. Star Wars fans become novelists. Star Trek fans become inventors. Therefore, it is safe to say that Star Trek has down-to-earth n00bs (which actually make awesome protagonists) and Star Wars has legendary heroes.
4. The main reason why the Enterprise would want to visit LucasArts (yes that is the name I give to that galaxy) is for treasure hunting. (Technology is just as valuable as gold, and if any technology is valuable, it is the Star Wars technology)
5. Star Wars is filled with religious discussions. Star Trek is filled with techno babble.
That is all I have.

21:50:47 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

If you are interested in this story, you should check out my Disney/WB post. I only had one guy making a response and he is on the wousky wabbit's side. Help the magic mouse by joining the debate.

PS. Disney and Warner are the reasons why using the teleporter on the Enterprise would be a BAD idea, especially when the red shirts are involved. Those red-shirted people would get derezzed by Mickey Mouse before Mickey uses his pirate techniques on the Enterprise because he can while Bugs Bunny in a trench coat and sunglasses would finish them off with kung fu.

21:54:53 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Oh, and Mickey does a show-off with a Captain America shield and the whole crew gets upset because they thought that the Avengers were their friends. (check the logos next time you watch those films)

01:17:12 Aug 16th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. Ensign Lxxxd):

Given the game we are playing, Im surprised you didnt manage to work LOTRs in there

02:50:24 Aug 16th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

It is because I don't see any strong connection between Lord of the Rings and all of this. If Lord of the Rings is involved, then so is Chronicles of Narnia and Avatar. Actually, I created a combined world of Narnia and LOTR where the World of Narnia is on the east side and Middle Earth is on the west side. Jadis and Sauramon had a secret relationship that wasn't recorded in the books. The offspring is the perfect aspect of temptation, where although he is an evil warlock with Sauramon's staff in the Right hand and Jadis's wand in the left hand, both of his parents dressed in purely white, making him look like an angel worth trusting. After the events of both series, he was killed and was placed in a cursed coffin at Mordor for he shall not rise again. The entire south area was protected the same way Narnia was cursed, by eternal winter, making Mount Doom a fantastic equivalent of Mt. Raineer. Ever since then, Gondor and Rohan sent their mightiest paladins and the most daring and skilled mounted rangers to protect the wilderness while penguins on the other hand protected the shore lines. Ever since then, the Pevensies and Aslan joined the Fellowship of the Ring, making an even dozen of 12. The most important thing to protect however is the only way in or out of the world, the Lamp Post, in which the desendents of Adam's brother originated from. Because in the famous book the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe said that Adam had a brother, and for the fact that people often compare Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, I knew that I had to say that the humans in both Narnia and LOTR came from that ancestor and not Adam. All it takes is one idiot to resurrect the Warlock and all hell breaks loose, literally, which is exactly what the protagonist of Avatar did.

Seriously, you should check DisneyWB match. It includes both Narnia and LOTR.

02:56:35 Aug 16th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Actually, I find Lord of the Rings to be even better than the Star Wars Original Trilogy. Star Wars isn't even complete, and neither is it a trilogy. It is a franchise that belongs to the video game industry. Lord of the Rings, on the other hand, was written by J. R. R. Tolkien that not only wrote the novels, but also created his own world, cultures, and even languages. Star Wars influenced many games, but even they are no match for every single version of Helms Deep that exists in every game with enough customization options nowadays, including first person shooters.

04:08:46 Aug 16th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Seriously, I need some people at the DisneyWB forum. One guy is attacking me.

06:41:15 Aug 31st 11 - Prince Sladen:

21:20:26 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Very subtle troll thread, 10/10. You are truly a master of your craft good sir.

Why thank you barny! :) I did it just to get your approval that so crave so much :P

21:57:29 Sep 21st 11 - zuall (Mr. Zuall The Tasty):

dont even have to read the thread to tell u all its all lies star wars is way better and i dont care for either of them

21:47:23 Oct 1st 11 - Prince Sladen:

lol i made this ages ago

i was trollin

22:22:43 Oct 6th 11 - Mr. George The Monguin:

I'm no longer a Star Wars fan actually, neither do I care about Twilight. I decided that the Disney/WB rivalry is much more of a phenomenon than Star Wars could have ever hoped to be.

Point #1: The actual people Walt Disney and Warner Brothers were pure movie geniuses back in the days. While George Lucas may have invented the concept of computer animation and any special effect that came from such, the two rivaling "cartoon" studios were the ones that actually perfected it.

Point #2: Both studios own parts of Star Wars, not the other way around. Disney has that popular ride and WB has the Clone Wars.

Point #3: Star Wars has been around since 1977 and died throughout the 2000's. The rivalry of Disney and WB had been around since WWII or maybe even prior to that and is still around today.

Point #4: I'm pretty sure Disney rivals even John Williams with some of the best soundtracks, not to mention Daft Punk. WB, on the other hand, had something like John Williams for Superman.

Point #5: Mickey Mouse is an immortal with authentic magic powers. Bugs Bunny is an immortal with the ability to defy laws of gravity. Cartoons can even withstand crushing objects for they can just simply reinflate themselves. They make Yoda and Starkiller look like n00bs.

Point #6: Disney knows how to actually impress audiences of all ages. Warner Brothers knows how to impress the critics. All that James Cameron and George Lucas do is make money.

Point #7: Childhood nostalgia originated from Disney and WB lasts longer than that of some of those Star Wars films.

Point #8: Yeah, you can compare Darth Vader to Master Chief and the Death Star to the Halo Rings, but such comparison is nothing compared to the humor you would find when you can classify meerkats as mongooses and reidentify M12-LRV as a type of a lion called the puma, not to mention "THIS IS SPARTA" on the WB side. There is also Thor's hammer and the Iron Man suit, which resemble Master Chief's armor.

Point #9: Disney can pull off the creepy and the cute type fights better than George Lucas and both Disney and WB can pull off man vs machine fights better than George Lucas.

Point #10: Neither Disney nor WB need any spaceships or space travel to either go from planet to planet or to make a decent sci-fi movie. Disneys can create portals by magic alone and WB's have Green Lantern rings.

22:44:45 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. George The Monguin:

If you are depressed by Star Wars, try Disney and WB. It is a much better feeling.
My new videos are uploaded on DisneyWB match.

00:42:06 Nov 11th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Thebornloser):

true blood ftw

15:38:00 Dec 2nd 11 - Prince Stirlings:

Twilight > Pokemon > Disney > Starcraft > WB > Starwars

Nuff said...

10:56:46 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

Glee > Twilight > Pokémon > Disney > starcraft > WB > Starwards

I've updated it for you

04:31:10 Dec 17th 11 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King Master Genra of Corillian):

South Park > Star Wars > Poke e' man > Starcrap > Diss-ney > Twinkies

I will never ever like Twlight. The team edward and team jacob crap is effing annoying.

17:45:50 Dec 17th 11 - Seven (Mr. Morgrin):

easy women>cheap booze>starwars

18:07:22 Dec 17th 11 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Sun Warrior of Shu):


Amen to that

00:54:20 Dec 18th 11 - Seven (Mr. Seeker of Knowledge):

Just don't tell my wife ;-)

11:31:50 Dec 19th 11 - Mr. Fiblerhorse:

04:31:10 Dec 17th 11 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King Master Genra of Corillian):

South Park > Star Wars > Poke e' man > Starcrap > Diss-ney > Twinkies

I will never ever like Twlight. The team edward and team jacob crap is effing annoying.

> Whut? Twilight is the best thing ever made ... Beats starwars by far!

19:32:12 Apr 12th 12 - Mr. Mongui:

Star Wars and Star Trek are both pwned by Relic Entertainment because of:

'nuff said.

19:38:06 Apr 12th 12 - Mr. Mongui:

Twilight > Pokemon > Disney > Starcraft > WB > Starwars

Did you check the logos of Pokemon? Pokemon is Warner Brothers and its Disney counterpart could be Digimon by far given that they aired on Disney XD.

Plus, you must understand that Disney and WB both now have a series of geeky comparisons like the upcoming Avengers movie.

Plus, I can imagine Mickey Mouseand Bugs Bunny in this particular fight:

Oh,and to be honest with you, both studios tapped on the works of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien.

19:39:16 Apr 12th 12 - Mr. Mongui:

Star Wars and Star Trek are both pwned by Relic Entertainment because of:

'nuff said.

19:40:57 Apr 12th 12 - Mr. Mongui:

Anyone that still thinks that there is no replacement for Star Wars is dead wrong!

And who says that there is nothing appealing about Canada when they made me forget about the franchise?

01:27:04 Apr 13th 12 - Mr. Mongui:

I got some very heavy duty fan fiction in the works. I am the same guy that  "rewrote" the entire Star Wars saga and recently added the fact that those humans that were jetisoned throughought the stars seeded entire legacies mentioned in Battlestar Galactica, being the 12 colonies. The story is here:

My story about the galaxy:

Episode 1: The Old Republic (Source: Knights of the Old Republic and the Sequels)

Coruscant was the original homeworld of the humans. United by the Jedi Order, the humans founded the Old Republic and grew rapidly in both population and technology until the sky truly became the limit. When that was the case, an entire alliance of the small businesses that kept this utopia happy worked hard to invent the hyperdrive, so the humans can colonize on different planets. Aware of the warfare of the primitive planets, the Jedi invented the lightsaber and the Jedi starfighter to protect themselves from the dangers of the primitive worlds, which were much like Dungeons and Dragons. Little that they know, is that there is another world exactly like Coruscant called Taris with a species exactly like the humans called the Sith united by a dystopian empire that has also invented the hyperdrive for the same exact reason. With only the Force, the lightsabers, and the starfighters of the Jedi on both sides, the star wars began.

A few years later, Jedi decided to establish a new training facility on Dantoowine while their rivals followed suit on Koriban. When successful, the Jedi received a prophecy of the Chosen one which gave them hope of whom will save the Republic.

Story continues with the Knights of the Old Republic 1 followed by the Old Republic. Afterwards, the Republic received a thousand years of peace.

Episode 2: Clone Wars (Source: Underline Story of the Prequels)

Anakin was annoyed by being a slave and loves the podrace for the same exact reason a theme park enthusiast would go on a rollercoaster. He then finishes his final race in his life when Obi Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala arrived and were watching. They came over on a regular basis to negotiate with Tatooine to become part of the Republic before the Separatists beat them to it. Without any clue of the Chosen One prophecy, Anakin accidently uses the force for the first time to help repair the ship. Obi Wan found Anakin beating up the Young Greedo from a New Hope and was slightly concerned about his path to the dark side. Anakin's unusual power lead Obi Wan to believe that he was the Chosen One. When freed, he noticed that the Confederacy followed Obi Wan to Tatoowine and wanted to know about Padme. They killed Anakin's mother before Anakin arrived to see her dead. He became involved in the Republic to establish peace and order for Padme and Obi Wan and to conquer all of the planets ever since. This motivation will eventually lead him to the dark side of the Force.

Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan returned to Naboo and found out that the Confederacy has blockaded the planet. The opening scene in the Phantom Menace occurs except it is Anakin and Padme instead of Qui Gon Jinn and that they escaped on a Confederate transport and flew to warn the Queen. The finale of the Phantom Menace occurs except Anakin became a natural leader and lead the Naboo squadron much like that of Luke on the Battle of Yavin. After the victory of the Naboo, Darth Maul did not die but instead fled back to the Sith Headquarters.

Anakin and Obi Wan were on the planet Illum for Anakin to build his light saber and become an official Jedi Knight. Meanwhile, the Confederacy were attacking the planet and the clones decided to evacuate. While Obi Wan and Padme went to Geonosis to find a diplomatic solution, Anakin on the other hand decided to return to Coruscant to complete his training with Yoda. After training, he sees a similar vision that Luke sees and goes to Geonosis and the droid factory scene happened without Padme. All of the scenes that followed happened in similar ways except Darth Maul takes Dooku's place entirely. Anakin hates Darth Maul big time for killing Anakin's mother and torturing Padme and Obi Wan. This means that Anakin and Maul fight with dual wield lightsabers and a double-bladed lightsaber. While in a dangerous situation, Anakin refuses to believe the terrible truth about his other friend, Palpatine and returned to Tatooine.

Anakin frees the slaves on Mos Espa and helps out Obi Wan and Padme on Kashyyk and the fight stretches out back to Coruscant where the opening scenes of the Revenge of the Sith occured. Anakin fights Maul alone for the last time right in front of the Chancellor. He hated the seperatists and the slave owners and loved the Republic and the Chancellor. When Anakin killed Darth Maul, the Clone Wars ended and Palpatine was willing to seduce Anakin. Padme, married to Anakin and pregnant with twins, founded the Rebel Alliance and was nasty to Anakin ever since. As Anakin searched his feelings and his dark past, he became authoritarian and wanted to destroy his own emotions. Between such and the fight of Mustafar followed by the Darth Vader suit, Anakin became more machine than man.

Three years later, Anakin's dark side gave him amnesia and killed Padme Amidala. He then killed all of the Jedi, including the children.

Bottom line is, Anakin and Luke went through all of the similar experiences but Luke made the right choices and Anakin made the wrong choices.

Episode 3: Rise of the Empire (Source: Force Unleashed)

Episode 4: A New Hope (All of the Special Edition except Han shoots first.)

The Chosen One was the Old Hope while Luke Skywalker was a New Hope.

Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back (All of the Original Edition)

In this episode, Anakin's amnesia and dark side gradually gets cured, all the way up to that very famous line in Empire Strikes Back. Afterwards, Anakin and Luke spoke telepathically trying to clear up whether or not they are father and son.

Episode 6: Return of the Jedi (Original Edition up to the Briefing Scene)

We resurrect Lucas's original idea about the final battle and have it take place on Kashyyk with Wookies instead of Ewoks. Either that, or we can keep the Ewoks and give them a shaman that uses magic in one way or another. Personally, I like the first idea better. As Luke redeemed his father, he unwillingly fulfills the prophecy of the Chosen One and the New Republic and the New Jedi Order was established and the Star Wars has ended.

The galaxy was cursed when time travel corrupted the space-time continuum. When that happened, humanity jettisoned their infants in several different directions across the stars. It is too long ago for any time traveler to go back in time to. The galaxy is just as hard to find as it is to get out of.

The story I am working on takes place in distant future in an alternate reality of any geeky icon you can imagine. Make sure you check out "When will Penguins stop" to see what I have come up with.

10:57:21 Apr 17th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Palpys Best Friend):

05:31:50 Dec 19th 11 - Mr. Fiblerhorse:

04:31:10 Dec 17th 11 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King Master Genra of Corillian):

South Park > Star Wars > Poke e' man > Starcrap > Diss-ney > Twinkies

I will never ever like Twlight. The team edward and team jacob crap is effing annoying.

> Whut? Twilight is the best thing ever made ... Beats starwars by far!
What is so appealing about falling in love with a vampire? Nothing. You get bit and ur f@(c)ked for life because they can drain all the blood from you, killing you. Sure, if you dont die you become a vamp but, of course, one Death Star can just blow up a planet, ceasing all vamp activity so you would be just like every other thing on earth. Whut now? 

21:06:31 Apr 17th 12 - Mr. Thick Rooster:

twilight definitely has a bigger following and more loyal fans than star wars imo. it also has a better storyline and plot twists, not to mention better graphics. but star wars is a classic who can resist captain kirk piloting the enterprise into the depths of the empire and waging war with the band of rebels. Warp Speed, friends!

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